24 February 2012
Villarrica, Chile (lake district)
53 miles
Yesterday was so nice here so we decided to stay another day to enjoy the sunshine and the beach! Every time we say this It ends up raining and cold and this time was no different! Dark clouds, wind and rain all day. made the best of it. Put our rain gear on and found some warm drinks and still hung out on the beach. Still got wet, just in a different way then expected.
Chinese circus was in town so we went and dried out under the Big Tent. Always entertaining in every country.
The storm did not calm down in the night. Rained, blew and thundered like mad all night long. We stayed dry in the tent but it was a restless night due to the fierce wind.
25 February 2012
Villarrica, Chile (Lake district)
12 miles Dry out day!
We went to town to pull everything out and hang dry it in a nice dry cabana for the day. We have found that in most of the towns we visit in Chile the Cabanas are cheaper than the hotel rooms. Much bigger with fully stocked kitchen so cooking is much nicer compared to our one burner unleaded fuel stove (on the bathroom floor), and the meals more colorful.
“Who the ell is Hellen”
Conaripe, Chile (lake district)
85 miles HOT SPRINGS.
More rain today so we wanted to take advantage of the MANY hot springs here. So many due to the numerous active volcanoes in the area. Beautiful setting. Lush forests and waterfalls. Some natural pools built right along the river and some wooden pools (think a bigger boat box friends). Really beautiful setting to bad all the pools were just a little cooler than bath water and the rain did not help. We did not stay to long. We got out and put our rain gear back on to go try to find a spot to dry out again. Again we found a Cabana. Wood stove this time and dried EVERYTHING out so nicely. AAWWWH!
27 February 2012
125 miles
Osorno, Chile
After many days of the KLR shooting star running a little rough. Dying while stopping, would not idle with out giving it a lot of gas, missing out and just running rough. Not shooting, but more like farting. We knew we needed to give her a little love. OK a lot of love. Oil change. Valve adjustment. Spark plug. Fuel filter. If all that doesn’t help we need to find more love. We wanted to get to a little bigger city just in case we needed some more supplies or help. We have been in small tourist towns for the past week. On our way to the bigger city climbing a small incline, cruising on the freeway the shooting star blew out some black smoke, slowing down and popping. She made it to the top of the hill, pulled over and she died… After a couple of minutes of heart pumping and kicking she started up again. We coasted down to the town below in the middle of nowhere. No hotels no services. We found a gas station with a cover(as it was raining,of course) and started pulling her apart. I really don’t like it, nothing I can do. Adjust the valves which are all tight, Pull out the spark plug and it is so corroded. maybe with a little salt?!?! (WOW that was a really great time out on the salt flats in BOLIVIA) Put a new plug in her. Piece her back together. She fires right up and sounds so much better, so much better. She is as good as new. Ride to the next town, in the rain, and find a dry spot for the night right before dark. Oh the adventure of it all. Never know what is going to happen around the corner or over the hill. As is life. gotta go with it, breath and go your own way.
28 February 2012
Ensenada, Chile
88 miles
Started riding just in time with the rain today. Found a nice cabana on the lake. Dried out again. Changed the oil in both bikes. We have a small problem now. Camille’s Shooting Start has a “somewhat” stripped out oil drain screw. We put plumbers tape around the screw thread and for now it’s not leaking. We now have to find a helicoil for it. It needs to be addressed before we hit the desolate hwy. 40 in Argentina. We will try to fix it really soon. They are running smooth now though. About 28907 on the bikes and 4141 since we left Cusco Peru 2 months ago. still headed south, still raining and still loving every moment as wet as it might be. Love the adventure.
Our sweet camp spot on the lake BEFORE it started raining.
Our way to the hot spring BEFORE it started raining.
Our work shop. With a little dry patch to work.
YUP> Out with the old in with the new.
Oil change in the sand and it stopped raining for a little while. SWEET.