Friday, March 11, 2011

Flying bikes to columbia is mucho $$$

well we have been looking into getting our bikes to south america and it is not cheap or easy anyway you look at it. By boat is 750 dollars for us and the bike. then it leaves is 4 days. is at sea for 4 days then takes about to to get it to shore due to paper work issues. And then more money. Then we went to the airport today to see about flying them to columbia. The one airline that was suppose to be the cheapest turns out there dont do it anymore. So now there seems to be just one airline that does it. The bike cost is $901.25 then another 300-400 hundred for us to get there each. But the paper work is taken care of by the airline. Which is suppose to be easier and quicker. the plane leaves on sun. tomm. is sat. then we can pick it up in columbia on mon. morning. Sounds like we have decided to go for the flying. 1300 bucks is so so much, but we did budget for this as we knew it would cost alot.. Thats it for now. wish us luck and we will write to ya in columbia next. Hopefully. today is 3-11. peace and love to all

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