5 April 2013 Siliguri, West Bengal, India 211 km
We started very early today due to no power at the hotel ALL night. Which means no fan= hot=mosquitos=no sleep.
Riding now through tea plantations. Everything is getting lush and green. Still hot.
We needed a couple of days off riding. Butt breaks mostly.
8-9 April 2013 Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary
We took a jeep “safari” through this wildlife sanctuary where there are supposed to be wild elephants and the famous one horned rhino. They are quickly becoming extinct due to poachers killing it for the magical horn which grosses mass amounts of money in Chinese medicine. We woke up at 430 am to see these magical creatures. It was well worth it about 25 minutes into the park we saw 2 rather large rhinos in the tall grass. we stopped and watched until they came out to cross the road. We were in the jeep and Paul was taking photos and for some reason the flash kept going off. I do not think they like it so they started to come towards the jeep. These guys are HUGE and literally made of armor. not something you want to cuddle with. we slowly stared to move forward and they seemed happy with that and then kept on there way. We got a couple of good shots of them. We also saw plenty of peacock and peahens. The cocks strutting there stuff for the hens. Wild elephant and barking dear (which I think they have confused with another type of dog;)
Work it.
Barking Deer or Dogs?